Anne has an enduring commitment to her work helping to strengthen organisations, their people, and their communities. As a consultant to the community and not for profit sectors she draws on over 30 years of experience designing and delivering university leadership and management development award programs, undertaking practice driven research and working with community organisations to support them to address the important and complex challenges they face. Anne’s guiding purpose is to contribute to the public good and make a positive difference to the lives of the people and organisations she works with.
She works collaboratively with organisations to translate good ideas into practical actions that make sense and can be implemented, so that organisations can navigate the barriers to change and more fully realise their potential. Being sensitive to the context in which the work it taking place is an important feature of Anne’s approach. This includes tailoring interventions to the needs of individual organisations and their sectors and while she does not work to templates, she recognises that a good template is a very useful thing!
Anne brings to our group a deep understanding of the theory and practice of organisational design, change and transition, strategic thinking and planning, governance, leadership, management development and evaluation. Her approach is guided by action learning and research, appreciative inquiry and reflective practice.
Designing and facilitating creative and engaging stakeholder consultation processes are important because they provide the opportunity for participants voices to be heard, yield rich and valuable data and generate complex and sensitive discussions. As a skilled researcher and experienced evaluator Anne brings highly developed skills in evaluation design, data gathering, qualitative analysis and reporting to all assignments. She always seeks to blend rigour with practicality emphasising what is fit for purpose and above all useful.